We have our monthly club meeting Monday 10/16/2017, at the American Legion in Whitman, starting at 7:30pm. The guest speaker for this month is local author Kathy Teahan. Kathy is a native of Whitman, has taught in the school system, was a State Representative and now a children’s book author. She will have her book “The Cookie Loved ‘Round the World” (a children’s book about the Tollhouse Cookie) for sale at the meeting. I know I am going to get one or two copies for some little munchkins in my life (the holidays are coming). 🙂
We will have the basket for Food Pantry donations. If you bring in a donation you get one raffle ticket for the monthly door prize. There will also be a sign up sheet for the musical Waitress that members of the club are going to on March 1, 2018. There is a $25.00 deposit needed to reserve your spot. Finally, if you would like to bring a snack to share with your table that is always allowed. Thank you to everyone that brought something for the food table last month.
The November meeting (next month!) will be our usual raffle basket assembly for the craft fair on December 2, 2017. There will be sign up sheets for the baskets at this month’s meeting. The baskets we usually put together to raffle off are international, spa, girls, boys, lottery, gift card and a few others. You sign up for whatever basket you want to help with and a board member will be in contact before the November meeting to organize the donations.
See you all on Monday!