If you’ve previously signed up to donate a basket item, please be sure to either bring that with you to the meeting, or make arrangements with the lead board member for your basket. Thank you to all participating! If you haven’t yet, and are interested, we still have some gifts cards available for our Giving…
Author: WMC
October 2021 Meeting
Here’s everything you need to know about our next meeting! WHAT: OUTDOOR MOVIE NIGHT! We will be watching “This is 40”. This is an R rated movie so please don’t bring along the kiddos!Date: Monday, October 18th Time: Arrival starting a 6:45 PM & movie to start promptly at 7:30 PM Where: American Legion Need To Know: This…
Wondering what all the boo is about? When you order a “boo”, a festive display will be temporarily placed in the yard of your friends/family. You can expect the display to visit for a day or two and then move on to bring smiles to the next family. ORDER A BOO COST: $15 payable Via…
The 2021-2022 season kicks off on Monday, September 20, 2021 and we couldn’t be more excited! MEMBERSHIP / DUES In an effort to keep things moving and to avoid crowding, we ask that you renew/start your membership by submitting your annual dues via Venmo. Payments of $20 can be made to @Wilma-Whitman. If you do…
WMC 2021 Banquet
We are so excited to announce that we will be able to have an end of year banquet! Things will look different so please take a moment to read through ALL the information. As always, please wear your mask and distance. When: May 10th. 6:30 PM arrival – dinner will be available at 7 PM….
They are back by popular demand! We are offering our standard flock as well as our graduation flocks. The graduation flocks include a keepsake sign! To order a flock, fill out the order form below: Loading…
March 8, 2021 Meeting
You read it right. WMC is hosting a Singo night, so brush up on your song knowledge and join us virtally! March 8, 2021 @ 7:30 PM Zoom information will be posted via FB and email closer to the meeting. A link to the bingo cards will be sent out prior to the meeting. To…
WMC Escape Room – Jan 25 2021
Please join us for a virtual escape room! Have some fun with friends as you compete to be the first one out! Monday – January 25, 2021 – 7:30 PM Zoom link will be emailed as well as posted in our WMC FB Group. This “game” will be played in teams, however, if you do…
Holiday Basket Raffle!
Covid can’t keep this club down! While it is very sad that we weren’t able to hold our craft fair, we did find a way to still hold our HOLIDAY BASKET RAFFLE! Raffle tickets can be purchased by visiting this link to the rally up website . Raffle winners will be drawn on December 20th…
November 2020
We have a lot going on this month so let’s start with the most relaxing bit of information first – MEDITATION! Monthly Meeting will be Meditation with LeeAnne Trigler of Whitman Wellness WHEN: Monday – November 16, 2020 – 8:00 PM Find a quiet spot in your home, get in some comfy clothes, maybe dim…