Here are the official descriptions of all board positions & position description. For a list of the current executive board members, visit our Board Member page.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and the WMC, as provided for in the by-laws. She shall book the venue for all monthly meetings. She shall appoint chairman of the various activities with the advice and consent of her executive board. She shall be the general overseer and coordinator of all club activities and shall represent the club officially when called upon to do so.
Vice President
To assist the president in all functions of the club and to take over her duties if she is unable to preside over any meeting. In addition, she shall serve as Chairwoman of the Nominating Committee as stated in Article VI.
Program Chairwoman (2)
Obtain entertainment for each monthly meeting. She shall have a printed program ready for the September meeting.
Media Correspondent
To attend all Executive Board and monthly meetings and select notes/photos for news release. Advertise all special events and guest speakers via news release and periodically report on club activities in the community. Handle all club correspondence such as monthly reminders to club members prior to monthly meetings, events and board meetings. Maintain the club website and social media page(s).
- Obtain two of each newspaper article for the club records and the President’s scrapbook.
- Obtain souvenirs, favors, name tags, etc. from any meetings/events for the President’s scrapbook.
- Contact the Brockton Enterprise and Whitman Express regarding upcoming meetings and events.
- Take photos at all meetings/events.
Keep records of all meetings of the club and board meetings. Each month, announce the minutes from the previous meeting. Send out thank you notes, get well cards, sympathy cards and flowers on behalf of the club.
- Handle all the incoming money.
- Pay all outstanding bills.
- Buy all gifts for speakers.
- Balance books each month.
- Present a monthly report of club balance at each monthly meeting.
- Apply for all permits through the Whitman Town Clerk/Lottery.
- Present annual report of club budget and distributions at the Banquet in May.
- Assist Membership Chairwoman with collection of dues.
Fundraising Chairwoman (2)
The fundraising chairwomen organize and oversee all fundraising events. Chairwomen will also advertise for each event.
- Keep an updated list of all current members including addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
- Collect all dues with the assistance of the Treasurer.
- Keep a list of all Honorary Members (20 years and more).
- Keep an updated list of members participation in events throughout the year.
- Keep an updated list of member attendance throughout the year.
- Keep a waiting list of potential members if necessary.
- Share list with Secretary.
Hostess (2)
- Arrive at meeting venue hall half hour early to set up for meeting.
- Maintain/replenish supplies as needed for meetings and functions.
- Clean up after the meeting and store supplies in designated place.
- Report to fundraising events at designated set up time.